Results for 'Fernando Adão de Sá Freitas'

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  1.  15
    The notion of language deviations in St. Augustine’s Ars pro fratrum mediocritate breuiata.Fábio Fortes & Fernando Adão de Sá Freitas - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 27:e02710.
    The notion of linguistic correction with which Augustine of Hippo introduced his Ars pro fratrum mediocritate breuiata seems central to the philosopher's grammatical discussion, not only because of the various examples that Augustine offers about the definitions of barbarism and soloecism at the end of this treatise, but also because the subject of correction and, consequently, of the deviations of language, are also presented in other non-grammatical works: The confessions, De ordine and De doctrina Christiana. In this article, we propose (...)
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    Ipseidade e alteridade nas obras sobre a educação do Jovem Nietzsche.Fernando de Sá Moreira - 2018 - Educação E Filosofia 32 (65).
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    Sobre a relação entre vida e vontade na metafísica da natureza de Schopenhauer.Fernando De Sá Moreira - 2011 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 2 (2):44.
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    Linguagem e verdade: a relação entre Schopenhauer e Nietzsche em Sobre verdade e mentira no sentido extramoral.Fernando de Sá Moreira - 2013 - Cadernos Nietzsche 33:273-300.
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    The role of foreign and local companies in shaping Brazilian positions on global sustainability: empirical evidence from a survey research.Mônica Cavalcanti Sá De Abreu, Ana Rita Pinheiro De Freitas & Simone Oliveira Guerra De Melo - 2016 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 10 (3/4):305.
    This paper analyses the role of foreign and local companies in shaping Brazilian positions on global sustainability. It deals with an empirical investigation of CSR practices of firms from the electronics, food, and personal care sectors in response to pressures of 'market' and 'non-market' stakeholders. The results demonstrate that CSR decisions by foreign and local firms are triggered by organisational considerations and anticipated economic gains. The degree of implementation of CSR activities by foreign firms is more advanced than that of (...)
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    Crónica.José Henrique Silveira De Brito, Robert Fisher, David Seth Preston, Fernando Aranda Fraga, Verlaine Freitas & Nikolaus Wandinger - 2004 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 60 (1):245 - 257.
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    Negros em Programas de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia no Brasil.Fernando Sá Moreira - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (79):429-454.
    Resumo: O presente artigo analisa a composição étnico-racial dos programas de pós-graduação brasileiros da área de filosofia. O propósito é identificar as características gerais da área e analisar os dados disponíveis sobre as declarações de cor/raça em seus mestrados e doutorados. Espera-se que essas análises sejam úteis para a discussão e proposição de ações afirmativas em tais programas. O resultado obtido evidenciou que negros estão largamente sub-representados na pós-graduação em filosofia. Com efeito, a área é atualmente entre as humanidades a (...)
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  8.  17
    Schopenhauer no Brasil: análise da presença schopenhaueriana em teses de doutorado e dissertações de mestrado de 1987 a 2018.Fernando Sá Moreira - 2019 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 10 (2):111.
    O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar a presença de Arthur Schopenhauer como tema de dissertações de mestrado e teses de doutorado no Brasil. Essa avaliação é realizada a partir das respostas a quatro perguntas fundamentais: Em que localidades a Pesquisa Schopenhauer se concentra? Em quais níveis da pós-graduação stricto sensu ela ocorre? Quais áreas do conhecimento a produziram e a produzem? Quais são seus temas predominantes? A metodologia empregada é predominantemente quantitativa e consiste na análise dos dados de trabalhos registrados (...)
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    A liberdade é uma luta constante.Fernando Sá Moreira - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 18 (2):480-485.
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    La desconcertante ambigüedad de la mentira.Fernando Sánchez Pintado - 2023 - Valencia: Pre-Textos.
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    Política criminal y técnica legislativa: prolegómenos a una dogmática de lege ferenda.Sánchez Lázaro & Fernando Guanarteme - 2007 - Granada: Comares.
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    Overview of the Brazilian Citriculture Certification.Christian Turra, Carlos Eduardo de Freitas Vian, Flávia Angeli Guisi Nielsen, Priscilla Silva Santos & Luis Fernando de Freitas Penteado - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (4):663-679.
    This study aims to characterize the different types of certification in the Brazilian citriculture as well as analyze the major changes in the market. The paper also has the objective to discuss how social and environmental factors influence the demand for food certifications and the sustainability and ethics aspects in the field. Therefore, a literature review on the subject was carried out as well as a qualitative research using interviews with certifiers, governmental institutions, farmers, cooperatives and producer associations. The certification (...)
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  13. Arquitetura e filosofia da desconstrução.Fernando Freitas Fuão - 2016 - In Dirce Eleonora Nigro Solis (ed.), Querências de Derrida, moradas da arquitetura e filosofia: arquitetura e filosofia da desconstrução. Porto Alegre: UFRGS.
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    Sobre el mito de la oposición entre filosofía occidental y pensamiento de la India: el sistema filosófico indio sāṃkhya, dualismo espíritu/materia, materialismo sui generis, evolucionismo, ateísmo.Fernando Tola - 2002 - Buenos Aires: Fundación Instituto de Estudios Budistas. Edited by Carmen Dragonetti.
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    La place de la psychologie dans l’ordre des sciences.Fernando Vidal - 1994 - Revue de Synthèse 115 (3-4):327-353.
    L’histoire de la psychologie en tant que discipline autonome comporte non seulement des développements méthodologiques et institutionnels, mais aussi l’élaboration du concept même de psychologie et des représentations de sa place dans l’ordre des sciences. Si de telles représentations ne détenninent pas la constitution du champ professionnel ou la pratique concrète du psychologue, elles n’en expriment pas moins des idéaux épistémologiques et reflètent les changements qui s’opèrent au sein de la discipline. Nous donnerons d’abord une vue générale de la position (...)
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  16.  24
    A filosofia de L'Action como intelectualismo ou realismo integral.Manuel da Costa Freitas - 1993 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 49 (3):325-338.
    Na sua tese de 1893, L'Action, Maurice Blondel tenta demonstrar a implicação mútua do agir, do conhecer e do ser. A acção revela-se penetrada de pensamento, o qual, por sua vez, se desdobra forçosamente para a sua realização efectiva, constituindo os dois (acção e pensamento) o nó ontológio do ser. Portanto, o ensaio de Blondel merece a designação de intelectualismo ou realismo integral que lhe foi atribuído por H. Duméry e Paul Archambault. /// Dans sa thèse de 1893, L'Action, Maurice (...)
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    La vanité de la nomenclature. Un manuscrit inedit de Jean Piaget.Fernando Vidal, Jean Piaget & Tardieu - 1984 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 6 (1):75-106.
    Jean Piaget, connu comme créateur d'une théorie du développement de l'intelligence chez l'enfant, fut un naturaliste précoce. En 1912, à l'âge de seize ans, il prononça une conférence sur « La vanité de la nomenclature » dans le cadre des activités d'un club de jeunes naturalistes; le manuscrit de cette conférence a été retrouvé récemment. L'introduction à la présente édition du manuscrit essaie de montrer l'importance de ce dernier pour une biographie historique de Piaget. D'une part, « La vanité » (...)
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    Bosco Deleitoso, edição e notas de José Adriano de Freitas Carvalho, Luís de Sá Fardilha e Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes (V. N. de Famalicão: Ed. Húmus, 2022), ISBN: 978‑989‑755‑856‑6. 274 pp. [REVIEW]Marisa Henriques - 2023 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 32 (63):163-165.
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    El amor es a los celos como el odio es a la crítica: la proporción topológica del exceso.Fernando Miguel Pérez Herranz - 2021 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 103:7-38.
    En un artículo anterior, titulado «Del Diálogo del Guerrero al Diálogo del Hogar: para una fenomenología de los celos» y en homenaje a Ricardo Sánchez Ortiz de Urbina, concluía que el amor y los celos forman el arranque mismo de la condición humana en su dimensión del exceso: no es la dualidad discreta Amor/Odio la expresión de la base y el fundamento de los afectos, sino la dualidad continua Amor/Celos. Las preguntas surgen de suyo: ¿con qué concepto quedaría vinculado por (...)
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    Response-Dependencies: Colors and Values.Dan López de Sa - 2003 - Dissertation, Barcelona
    Tesis doctoral presentada en el departament de Lògica Història i Filosofia de la Ciencia de la Universitat de Barcelona per optar al títol de Doctor en Filosofia.
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  21.  30
    Educação e direitos humanos.Charles Lamartine De Sousa Freitas & Rosilene Da Costa Bezerra Ramos - 2020 - Filosofia E Educação 12 (2).
    Pesquisa no campo da política pública educacional voltada ao adolescente autor de ato infracional. Este artigo origina-se de um trabalho de mestrado desenvolvido no Programa de Pós- Graduação em Educação, da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Buscou-se investigar e analisar a percepção de adolescentes privados de liberdade sobre o papel da escola em sua vida. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, por meio da metodologia biográfica, cujos dados foram construídos por análise de documentos e entrevista semiestruturada. Constatou-se a (...)
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  22. Truthmakers, Knowledge and Paradox.Dan López de Sa & Elia Zardini - 2007 - Analysis 67 (3):242 - 250.
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  23.  68
    Rigidity for predicates and the trivialization problem.Dan López de Sa - 2008 - Philosophers' Imprint 8:1-13.
    According to the simple proposal about rigidity for predicates, a predicate is rigid (roughly) if it signifies the same property across the relevant worlds. Recent critics claim that this suffers from a trivialization problem: any predicate whatsoever would turn out to be trivially rigid, according to the proposal. In this paper a corresponding "problem" for ordinary singular terms is considered. A natural solution is provided by intuitions concerning the actual truth-value of identity statements involving them. The simple proposal for predicates (...)
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  24. Lewis vs Lewis on the problem of the many.Dan López de Sa - 2014 - Synthese 191 (6):1105-1117.
    Consider a cat on a mat. On the one hand, there seems to be just one cat, but on the other there seem to be many things with as good a claim as anything in the vicinity to being a cat. Hence, the problem of the many. In his ‘Many, but Almost One,’ David Lewis offered two solutions. According to the first, only one of the many is indeed a cat, although it is indeterminate exactly which one. According to the (...)
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    Para além do Liberalismo: O Pensamento Político de Martin Heidegger.Alexandre Franco de Sá - 2017 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 1 (1):43-58.
    O presente artigo procura esclarecer os traços fundamentais da relação entre o pensamento de Heidegger e a política. No contexto da emergência do nazismo na Alemanha, Heidegger recusará a compreensão do povo como “raça” e como “valor supremo”. Nesta linha, apropriando-se da concepção de Ernst Jünger do “trabalhador”, procurará pensar a relação deste trabalhador com um mundo, ou seja, a “mobilização total” do mundo por uma “vontade de poder”, para lá daquilo a que chama a “metafísica da subjectividade”, à qual (...)
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  26. The many relativisms and the question of disagreement.Dan López de Sa - 2007 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 15 (2):269 – 279.
    What different relativist claims about a given domain are to be distinguished? Which of them is best placed to account for intuitive facts about disagreement in that domain? In a recent paper in this journal, ‘Indexical Relativism versus Genuine Relativism’ (2004), Max Kölbel distinguishes two forms of relativism, andargues that one of them, indexical relativism, faces problems in accounting for disagreement. In the first part of this discussion I present my own taxonomy of relativist positions in a given domain, which (...)
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  27. (Indexical) Relativism about Values: A Presuppositional Defense.Dan López de Sa - 2007
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  28. The Over-Generalization Problem: Predicates Rigidly Signifying the "Unnatural".Dan López de Sa - 2008 - Synthese 163 (2):263 - 272.
    According to the simple proposal, a predicate is rigid iff it signifies the same property across the different possible worlds. The simple proposal has been claimed to suffer from an over-generalization problem. Assume that one can make sense of predicates signifying properties, and assume that trivialization concerns, to the effect that the notion would cover any predicate whatsoever, can be overcome. Still, the proposal would over-generalize, the worry has it, by covering predicates for artifactual, social, or evaluative properties, such as (...)
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  29.  87
    Flexible property designators.Dan López De Sa - 2006 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 73 (1):221-230.
    Th e simple proposal about rigidity for predicates can be stated thus: a predicate is rigid if its canonical nominalization signifi es the same property across the different possible worlds. I have tried elsewhere to defend such a proposal from the trivialization problem, according to which any predicate whatsoever would turn out to be rigid. Benjamin Schnieder (2005) aims fi rst to rebut my argument that some canonical nominalizations can be fl exible, then to provide fi ve arguments to the (...)
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  30. Expressing Disagreement: A Presuppositional Indexical Contextualist Relativist Account.Dan López de Sa - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (1):153-165.
    Many domains, notably the one involving predicates of personal taste, present the phenomenon of apparent faultless disagreement. Contextualism is a characteristically moderate implementation of the relativistic attempt to endorse such appearances. According to an often-voiced objection, although it straightforwardly accounts for the faultlessness, contextualism fails to respect “facts about disagreement.” With many other recent contributors to the debate, I contend that the notion of disagreement—“genuine,” “real,” “substantive,” “robust” disagreement—is indeed very flexible, and in particular can be constituted by contrasting attitudes. (...)
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  31. What does it take to enter into the circumstance?Dan López de Sa - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 159 (1):147 - 153.
    In the recent literature on contextualism and relativism, one often finds disputes as to which kind of consideration would be relevant for positing a feature of a context as a parameter in the ‘‘circumstance of evaluation’: via the presence of an operator in the language which shifts that feature (Stanley) or by being a feature of a context with respect to which the truth of ‘‘propositions’’ expressed in the context is relative (McFarlane). This kind of dispute arises from two different (...)
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  32. Relativizing utterance-truth?Dan López de Sa - 2009 - Synthese 170 (1):1-5.
    In recent years, some people have held that a radical relativist position is defensible in some philosophically interesting cases, including future contingents, predicates of personal taste, evaluative predicates in general, epistemic modals, and knowledge attributions. The position is frequently characterized as denying that utterance-truth is absolute. I argue that this characterization is inappropriate, as it requires a metaphysical substantive contention with which moderate views as such need not be committed. Before this, I also offer a more basic, admittedly less exciting (...)
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    La restauración de la naturaleza, objetivo de la ley natural.Heres Drian de Oliveira Freitas - 2011 - Revista Agustiniana 52 (159):721-746.
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  34. Disjunctions, Conjunctions, and their Truthmakers.Dan López de Sa - 2009 - Mind 118 (470):417-425.
    Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra (2006) argues against attempts to preserve the entailment principle (or a restriction of it) while avoiding the explosion of truthmakers for necessities and truthmaker triviality. In doing so, he both defends the disjunction thesis--if something makes true a disjunctive truth, then it makes true one of its disjuncts--, and rejects the conjunction thesis--if something makes tue a conjunctive truth, then it makes true each of its conjuncts. In my discussion, I provide plausible counterexamples to the disjunction thesis, and (...)
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  35. Does this sentence have no truthmaker?Dan López de Sa & Elia Zardini - 2006 - Analysis 66 (2):154–157.
    Reponse to Peter Milne (2005)'s argument agaist maximalism about truthmaking.
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    A noção heideggeriana de cuidado (sorge) E a clínica psicoterápica.Roberto Novaes De Sá - 2000 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 45 (2):259-266.
    A luz da analítica do Dasein, apresentadaem "Ser e Tempo", o trabalho discute apossibilidade de fundamentação da relaçãopsicoterápica a partir da noção de "cuidado". Desta perspectiva, a questão da verdadena clínica desloca-se do âmbito das teorias e dastécnicas psicológicas 'para aquele da existência,em que está sempre em jogo o próprio ser dohomem. Ao mesmo tempo, fornece ao cuidadoterapêutico uma base ontológica que não provémnem da teorização científica nem de uma concepçãohumanista, subjetivista e sentimental.
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    On the nature and scope of featural representations of word meaning.Ken McRae, Virginia R. de Sa & Mark S. Seidenberg - 1997 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 126 (2):99-130.
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  38. Defending "Restricted Particularism" from Jackson, Pettit & Smith.Dan López De Sa - 2008 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 23 (2):133–143.
    According to Jackson, Pettit & Smith , “restricted particularism” is not affected by their supervenience-based consideration against particularism but, they claim, suffer from a different difficulty, roughly that it would violate the platitude about moral argument that, in debating controversial moral issues, a central role is played by various similarity claims. I present a defense of “restricted particularism” from this objection, which accommodates the platitudinous character of the claim that ordinary participants in conversations concerning the evaluative are committed to descriptive (...)
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    The makings of truth : realism, response-dependence, and relativism.Dan López de Sa - 2010 - In Cory Wright & Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen (eds.), New Waves in Truth. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This paper is in five sections. In the first one, I summarize some views on truthmaking I will be presupposing, emphasizing however the various controversies on which I will remain neutral. In section two and three, I present the characterization of a response-dependent property. In section four, I present two ways in which a property can be response-dependent, in the characterized sense. In final section five, I present how these correspond to different versions of moderate relativism, namely indexical and nonindexical (...)
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    (1 other version)The Event of Order in Carl Schmitt's Thought and the Weight of Circumstances.A. F. de Sa - 2009 - Télos 2009 (147):14-33.
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    A Escrita da História e a Produção de Memórias Na Formação Dos Restos da Ditadura e Do Autoritarismo Contempor'neo Brasileiro.Israel de Sá - 2023 - ARARIPE — REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA 4 (1):139-165.
    Neste artigo, no intuito de nos inscrevermos em uma reflexão mais abrangente acerca dos negacionismos contemporâneos, com foco no “negacionismo histórico”, que se sustenta por processos de falseamento e homogeneização da história e das memórias, buscamos seguir o seguinte roteiro de reflexão analítica: i) tratar da escrita da história, abordando a produção de memórias, as políticas de esquecimento e o falseamento discursivo da história; ii) traçar um panorama acerca da escrita da história e da produção de memórias da ditadura civil-militar (...)
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  42. A abordagem fenomenológica de Heidegger ao conceito de vida e o começo da biopolítica.Alexandre Franco de Sá - 2015 - In Diogo Ferrer & Luciano Utteich (eds.), A Filosofia Transcendental E a Sua Crítica: Idealismo - Fenomenologia - Hermenêutica. Coimbra, Portugal: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
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    Eugenio Mariá de Hostos: philosophical system and methodology: cultural fusion.JoAnn Borda de Sáinz - 1989 - New York: Senda Nueva de Ediciones.
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    Audience in Context.Dan López de Sa - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (1):241-253.
    In recent discussions on contextualism and relativism, some have suggested that audience-sensitivity motivates a content relativist version of radical relativism, according to which a sentence as said at a context can have different contents with respect to the different perspectives from where it is assessed. The first aim of this note is to illustrate how this is not so. According to Egan himself, the phenomenon motivates at least refinement of the characteristic moderate contention that features of a single context determine (...)
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    Da Pluralidade Ao Pluralismo Ético, Moral e Jurídico: Uma Reflexão a Partir de Émile Durkheim ((1858-1917).Geraldo Ribeiro de Sá - 2017 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 3 (2):129.
    Discute-se com possíveis distinções entre pluralismo e pluralidade. Tais conceitos são revisitados em Filosofia, Política, Sociologia e Direito. Procura-se detectar especificidades da ideia de pluralidade e de pluralismo aplicados à ética, à moral e ao Direito, no passado e em nossos dias. Indaga-se a respeito da atualidade ou não de certas obras de É. Durkheim, um dos fundadores da Sociologia, para esclarecer o debate contemporâneo sobre questões referentes à pluralidade e ao pluralismo.
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  46. The case against evaluative realism.Dan López de Sa - 2006 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 21 (3):277-294.
    In this paper I offer a characterization of evaluative realism, present the intuitive case against it, and offer two considerations to support it further: one concerning the internalist connection between values and motivation, and the other concerning the intuitibve causal inefficacy of evaluative properties. The considerations ultimately rely on the former intuitions themselves, but are not devoid of interest, as they might make one revise what one took to be his own realistic supporting intuitions, if such one had.
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    Science and religion.Bailon de Sá - 1991 - Panjim, Goa: Bailon de Sá.
  48.  72
    On the semantic indecision of vague singular terms.Dan López de Sa - 2007 - Sorites 19:88-91.
    Donald Smith (2006) argues that if ‘I’ is indeed vague, and the view of vagueness as semantic indecision correct after all, then ‘I’ cannot refer to a composite material object. But his considerations would, if sound, also establish that ‘Tibbles,’ ‘Everest,’ or ‘Toronto,’ do not refer to composite material objects either—nor hence, presumably, to cats, mountains, or cities. And they can be resisted, anyway. Or so I argue.
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    A pessoa e o impessoal: Uma confrontação entre o pensamento fenomenológico de Max Scheler e de Martin Heidegger.Alexandre Franco de Sá - 2012 - Phainomenon 24 (1):79-89.
    The Person and the Inpersonal: confronting Max Scheler’s phenomenological thought with Heidegger’s. This essay starts from a similarity between the thought of Max Scheler and Martin Heidegger in their correspondent approaches to the way the being of the human as non-substantial. Both Scheler’s notion of “Person” and Heidegger’s notion of “Dasein” are conceived of as acts, always already determined by their being-in-the-world, and not as substantial entities with a kind of identity previous to their “actuality”. Nonetheless, Scheler and Heidegger extract (...)
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    Espaços urbanos e plateias virtuais: o YouTube e as transmissões de espetáculos ao vivo.Simone Pereira De Sá & Luiza Bittencourt - 2014 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 1 (24).
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